Which of the following are possible configuration steps when setting up the alert monitor in Advanced Planning? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

Which of the following are possible configuration steps when setting up the alert monitor in Advanced Planning? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A . Create an object selection variant for priority-category-related alerts.
B . Assign the alert profile to the overall profile.
C . Create an object selection variant for production-planning-related alerts.
D . Assign the overall profile to the authorization profile.

Answer: B, D


The alert monitor in Advanced Planning allows you to monitor and analyze the planning situation and identify any problems or deviations from the desired state.

To use the alert monitor, you need to configure the following elements:

Overall profile: This defines the scope and content of the alert monitor, such as the planning objects, the alert types, the alert categories, and the alert levels. You can assign one or more alert profiles to an overall profile to specify the alerts that you want to monitor.

Alert profile: This defines the criteria and parameters for generating alerts, such as the time horizon, the planning version, the planning mode, and the alert threshold. You can create different alert profiles for different planning scenarios or objectives.

Authorization profile: This defines the access rights and restrictions for the alert monitor, such as the planning objects, the locations, the products, and the resources that a user can view or edit. You can assign an overall profile to an authorization profile to control which alerts a user can see or process. Therefore, to set up the alert monitor, you need to assign the alert profile to the overall profile (B) and assign the overall profile to the authorization profile (D). Creating an object selection variant for priority-category-related alerts (A) or production-planning-related alerts © is not a configuration step, but a selection option in the alert monitor to filter the alerts by different criteria.

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