Which of the following are feature engineering techniques? (Select 2 answers)

Which of the following are feature engineering techniques? (Select 2 answers)
A . Hidden feature layers
B . Feature prioritization
C . Crossed feature columns
D . Bucketization of a continuous feature

Answer: CD


Selecting and crafting the right set of feature columns is key to learning an effective model.

Bucketization is a process of dividing the entire range of a continuous feature into a set of consecutive bins/buckets, and then converting the original numerical feature into a bucket ID (as a categorical feature) depending on which bucket that value falls into.

Using each base feature column separately may not be enough to explain the data. To learn the differences between different feature combinations, we can add crossed feature columns to the model.

Reference: https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/wide#selecting_and_engineering_features_for_the_model

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