
Which of the following accurately describes base searches used for KPIs in a service?

Which of the following accurately describes base searches used for KPIs in a service?
A . Base searches can be used for multiple services.
B . A base search can only be used by its service and all dependent services.
C . All the metrics in a base search are used by one service.
D . All the KPIs in a service use the same base search.

Answer: A


KPI base searches let you share a search definition across multiple KPIs in IT Service Intelligence (ITSI). Create base searches to consolidate multiple similar KPIs, reduce search load, and improve search performance.

Reference: https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/ITSI/4.10.2/SI/BaseSearch

A base search is a search definition that can be shared across multiple KPIs that use the same data source. Base searches can improve search performance and reduce search load by consolidating multiple similar KPIs.

The statement that accurately describes base searches used for KPIs in a service is:

A) Base searches can be used for multiple services. This means that you can create a base search for a service and use it for other services that have similar data sources and KPIs .

For example, if you have multiple services that monitor web server performance, you can create a base search that queries the web server logs and use it for all the services that need to calculate KPIs based on those logs.

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