Which method signature is used in the Global API’s?

Which method signature is used in the Global API’s?
A . Changes based on API and Method name
B . ccrz.cc_Output (ccrz:cc_Input input)
C . Map<String, Object>
D . List<List<Object>>

Answer: B


The method signature that is used in the Global API’s is ccrz.cc_Output (ccrz.cc_Input input). This signature indicates that the Global API methods take a single input parameter of type ccrz.cc_Input and return an output of type ccrz.cc_Output. These are custom classes that are defined in the cloudcraze managed package and contain various properties and methods for handling the input and output data.

For example, ccrz.ccServiceProduct.getProducts(ccrz.cc_Input input) is a Global API method that takes an input object and returns an output object containing product data.

Salesforce Reference: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, API Classes, cc_Input Class, cc_Output Class

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