Which method should the administrator use to access the cluster in the event of this type of outage?

An administrator is concerned that Prism will be inaccessible if Active Directory is unable to process logins.

Which method should the administrator use to access the cluster in the event of this type of outage?
A . Manage the cluster by using the "nutanix" user on the Prism leader CVM
B . Create and use an emergency local account on the cluster
C . Deploy an Active Directory server locally on the cluster
D . Manage the cluster remotely by downloading ncli to a remote workstation

Answer: B


In the event of an Active Directory outage that prevents login to Prism, the recommended approach is to have a contingency plan that allows for local management of the cluster. Option B, "Create and use an emergency local account on the cluster," is the correct choice. This approach ensures that administrators can still access and manage the cluster even if external authentication services are down.

An emergency local account provides a direct, reliable means to access Prism and perform necessary administrative tasks without depending on external systems. This is a critical backup strategy for maintaining access control and managing the cluster during outages.

Reference: This method is in line with best practices for system availability and disaster recovery, ensuring administrators retain access to manage and troubleshoot without interruption, as detailed in Nutanix’s documentation and security configuration guidelines.

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