Which method needs to be implemented when rendering a Salesforce B2B Commerce view in order to have it called after rendering has finished?

Which method needs to be implemented when rendering a Salesforce B2B Commerce view in order to have it called after rendering has finished?
A . There are no methods called on the view after rendering has finished
B . onRender()
C . postRender()
D . afterRender()

Answer: C


The method that needs to be implemented when rendering a Salesforce B2B Commerce view in order to have it called after rendering has finished is postRender. This method is an optional hook that can be defined by the user to perform any actions or logic that depend on the view being rendered, such as initializing widgets, binding events, or updating the user interface. The method will be called by the render method of the CCRZ.View class, which is the base class for all views in the framework.

Salesforce Reference: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, View Class

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