
Which location should the business analyst move this item to?

During a sprint grooming session for the Sales Cloud implementation at Cloud Kicks, the development team mentions the step "Code Review by Technical Architect" listed within the acceptance criteria needs to be adjusted.

Which location should the business analyst move this item to?
A . Project plan
B . Definition of done
C . Pull request template

Answer: B


The business analyst should move this item to the definition of done. The definition of done is a set of criteria that must be met before a user story or sprint can be considered complete or ready for release. The definition of done helps to ensure quality, consistency, and transparency across the project team. The step “Code Review by Technical Architect” is not part of the acceptance criteria for a specific user story, but rather a general requirement that applies to all user stories or sprints.

Reference: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/user-story-creation/write-user-stories

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