Which licenses are needed in order to use the UXl Client on Zebra (Devices? (Select two.)

Which licenses are needed in order to use the UXl Client on Zebra (Devices? (Select two.)
A . UXI Cloud Subscription
B . UXl Agent Subscription
C . UXl LTE Subscription
D . Wireless Insights

Answer: A B


To utilize the UXI Client on Zebra Devices, the necessary licenses include the UXI Cloud Subscription (Option A) and the UXI Agent Subscription (Option B). The UXI Cloud Subscription provides access to the UXI platform’s cloud-based analytics and insights, facilitating the monitoring and management of network performance and user experience. The UXI Agent Subscription is required for each Zebra device, enabling it to run the UXI Client software that collects and sends network performance data to the UXI cloud platform. Together, these licenses empower organizations to enhance network visibility and improve the user experience on Zebra devices within their networks.

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