
Which interface must be used to deploy NC2?

Which interface must be used to deploy NC2?
A . Cloud Provider portal
B . NC2 Tile within the my.nutanix.com portal
C . Prism Central Dashboard
D . Foundation running in a Cloud Virtual Machine

Answer: B


The NC2 Tile within the my.nutanix.com portal is the correct interface to deploy NC2. This portal provides an integrated and user-friendly interface specifically designed for deploying and managing Nutanix Clusters on AWS.

NC2 Deployment Interface:

NC2 Tile within the my.nutanix.com portal: This portal provides the necessary tools and options to deploy and manage NC2 clusters. It includes functionalities for setting up the clusters, configuring network settings, and managing resources.


User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies the deployment process with a guided setup.

Integrated Tools: Provides access to all necessary tools for managing the deployment and monitoring of NC2 clusters.

Reference: Nutanix Cloud Clusters on AWS Administration Guide

Nutanix my.nutanix.com Portal Documentation

Nutanix Best Practices for Cluster Deployment

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