Which industries CPQ API method needs to be called from the integration procedure that returns the pricing information from the out-of-the-box pricing plan?

Which industries CPQ API method needs to be called from the integration procedure that returns the pricing information from the out-of-the-box pricing plan?
A . priceCart
B . putCartsItems
C . postCartsItems
D . createCart

Answer: A


In the context of Industries CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote), the API method that needs to be called from the integration procedure to return pricing information from the out-of-the-box pricing plan is priceCart. This method is responsible for calculating the prices of items in a cart based on the defined pricing rules and structures within the CPQ system. By invoking this method, the integration procedure can retrieve accurate and up-to-date pricing information for the items selected by the customer.

Reference: Salesforce Industries CPQ documentation: https://help.salesforce.com/

Salesforce CPQ API resources: https://developer.salesforce.com/

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