Which feature of a UML model element could NOT be adapted by a Stereotype?

Which feature of a UML model element could NOT be adapted by a Stereotype?
A . Notation could be changed.
B . Constraints could be added
C . Constraints can be removed.
D . Attributes and Operations could be added.

Answer: C


A stereotype in UML is a powerful extension mechanism that allows developers to tailor UML models for particular domains or platforms. Stereotypes can adapt UML model elements by adding constraints, changing notation, and adding attributes and operations. However, they cannot remove existing constraints from a model element12.

Notation Change (A): Stereotypes can indeed change the notation of a model element to make it more expressive or domain-specific. For example, a stereotype could be used to visually distinguish between different kinds of classes in a class diagram1.

Adding Constraints (B): Stereotypes can add new constraints to a model element to specify additional rules or requirements that are not defined by the standard UML1.

Removing Constraints ©: This is not a capability of stereotypes. Constraints define rules that must be followed, and once they are part of a model element, they cannot be removed by a stereotype. Instead, they are an intrinsic part of the model’s definition1.

Adding Attributes and Operations (D): Stereotypes can be used to add attributes and operations to a model element, which allows for the specification of additional properties or behaviors that are not part of the standard UML metamodel1.

In summary, while stereotypes are versatile and can extend the capabilities of UML model elements in various ways, they do not have the ability to remove constraints that are already applied to those elements. This is because constraints are considered fundamental rules that govern the integrity of the model, and removing them would potentially violate the model’s correctness or completeness1.

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