Which event should be triggered when user facing info, warning or error messages need to be displayed on a Visualforce page?

Which event should be triggered when user facing info, warning or error messages need to be displayed on a Visualforce page?
A . showMessage
B . displayPageMessage
C . displayMessage
D . pageMessage

Answer: D


The event that should be triggered when user facing info, warning or error messages need to be displayed on a Visualforce page is pageMessage. This event is triggered by the displayPageMessage method of the CCRZ.util class, which is a utility class that provides various helper methods for common tasks. The event can be used to display a message on the page with a specified type, title, and text.

For example, CCRZ.util.displayPageMessage(‘error’, ‘Oops!’, ‘Something went wrong.’) will trigger the pageMessage event and display an error message on the page.

Salesforce Reference: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, Events, Util Class

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