Which event advanced search query will check an IP address against the Spam X-Force category with a confidence greater than 3?

Which event advanced search query will check an IP address against the Spam X-Force category with a confidence greater than 3?
A . select * from events where XFORCE_IP_CONFIDENCE( ‘Spam’, sourceip>>3
B . select * from flows where XFORCE_IP_CONFIDENCE{‘Spam’, sourceip)<3
C . select * from flows where XF0RCE_iP_C0NFiDEKCE{*Malware’,sourceip)-3
D . select * from events where XF0RCE_IP_C0NFIDENCE(‘Malware’,sourceip)>3

Answer: D


To check an IP address against the Spam X-Force category with a confidence greater than 3 using an advanced search query in QRadar, the correct query format is:

Query Structure: select * from events where XF0RCE_IP_C0NFIDENCE(‘Malware’,sourceip)>3 Components:

select * from events: This part of the query selects all events from the QRadar events database.

where XF0RCE_IP_C0NFIDENCE(‘Malware’,sourceip)>3: This filter checks if the source IP address has a confidence level greater than 3 for being associated with malware according to the X-Force category.

This query is designed to filter out and display events where the source IP is identified with high confidence as being associated with malicious activity.


The syntax and usage of advanced search queries are detailed in the IBM QRadar SIEM search and analytics guides, providing specific examples for utilizing X-Force threat intelligence data.

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