Which device configuration group types can a user define in Aruba Central during group creation? (Select two.)

Which device configuration group types can a user define in Aruba Central during group creation? (Select two.)
A . Security group
B . Template group
C . Default group
D . Ul group
E . ESP group

Answer: B C


Aruba Central allows you to create device configuration groups that define common settings for devices within each group. You can create different types of groups depending on your network requirements and management preferences.

Two types of groups that you can define in Aruba Central during group creation are:

– Template group: A template group allows you to create configuration templates using variables and expressions that can be applied to multiple devices or device groups. Template groups provide flexibility and scalability for managing large-scale deployments with similar configurations.

– Default group: A default group is automatically created when you add devices to Aruba Central for the first time. The default group contains basic configuration settings that are applied to all devices that are not assigned to any other group. You can modify or delete the default group as needed.





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