
Which data model element contributes to data security?

The customer requires secure access control for sensitive customer data .

Which data model element contributes to data security?
A . Utilize custom fields to capture all types of customer information without access restrictions.
B . Configure field-level security to grant selective access to sensitive data based on user roles and permissions.
C . Implement third-party data encryption solutions for additional security layers.
D . Store all customer data in one field without any segregation or access control mechanisms.

Answer: B


Field-Level Security (FLS) in Salesforce is essential for controlling access to sensitive data. It allows administrators to specify which fields are visible and editable by which users or profiles. This ensures that sensitive customer information is only accessible to authorized personnel, thereby contributing significantly to data security. Option "B. Configure field-level security to grant selective access to sensitive data based on user roles and permissions" is the correct choice as it directly addresses the requirement for secure access control within the Salesforce data model.

Reference: Salesforce Documentation on Field-Level Security

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