Which credentials, if any, are needed for the administrator to complete this task?

An administrator has been tasked with configuring service discovery to identify which virtual machines are running Active Directory services. All virtual machines are running on vSphere 6.5.

Which credentials, if any, are needed for the administrator to complete this task?
A . No credentials are needed since credential-less service discovery can be used.
B . Local Windows administrator account and password.
C . Active Directory domain administrator account and password.
D . Active Directory domain user account and password.

Answer: C


The administrator needs the Active Directory domain administrator account and password to configure service discovery to identify which virtual machines are running Active Directory services. Service discovery is a feature of vRealize Operations that allows the administrator to discover and monitor the applications and services running on the virtual machines in the environment1. Service discovery can be performed using two methods: credential-less and credential-based. Credential-less service discovery uses VMware Tools to query the guest operating system for the list of running processes, and then matches them with a predefined set of signatures to identify the applications and services2. Credential-based service discovery uses the credentials provided by the administrator to log in to the guest operating system and run commands or scripts to discover the applications and services3. Credential-less service discovery can be used for most common applications and services, such as web servers, database servers, or file servers, but it has some limitations, such as not being able to discover clustered or distributed applications, or applications that run on non-standard ports4. Credential-based service discovery can be used for more complex and customized applications and services, such as Active Directory, Exchange, or SharePoint, but it requires the administrator to provide the appropriate credentials for each guest operating system. For Windows operating systems, the credentials must be either a local administrator account or a domain administrator account. For Active Directory services, the domain administrator account is preferred, as it has the necessary permissions to access the Active Directory information and configuration. Therefore, the administrator needs the Active Directory domain administrator account and password to configure service discovery to identify which virtual machines are running Active Directory services. No credentials are needed since credential-less service discovery can be used (option A) is not a correct answer, as credential-less service discovery cannot discover Active Directory services, which require credential-based service discovery. Local Windows administrator account and password (option B) is not a correct answer, as the local administrator account may not have the sufficient permissions to access the Active Directory information and configuration, which require the domain administrator account. Active Directory domain user account and password (option D) is not a correct answer, as the domain user account may not have the necessary permissions to access the Active Directory information and configuration, which require the domain administrator account.


1: vRealize Operations Manager User Guide, VMware, 2021, p. 237.

2: vRealize Operations Manager User Guide, VMware, 2021, p. 238.

3: vRealize Operations Manager User Guide, VMware, 2021, p. 239.

4: vRealize Operations Manager User Guide, VMware, 2021, p. 240.

[5]: vRealize Operations Manager User Guide, VMware, 2021, p. 241.

[6]: vRealize Operations Manager User Guide, VMware, 2021, p. 242.

[7]: vRealize Operations Manager User Guide, VMware, 2021, p. 244.

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