Which configurations are required for HTTP Listener to enable mTLS authentication?

Which configurations are required for HTTP Listener to enable mTLS authentication?
A . Set an appropriate reconnection strategy and use persistent connections for the listener
B . Set an appropriate keystore configuration and use persistent connections for the listener
C . Set an appropriate keystore and truststore configuration for the listener
D . Set an appropriate truststore configuration and reconnection strategy for the listener

Answer: C


To enable mTLS authentication for HTTP Listener, the developer needs to set an appropriate keystore and truststore configuration for the listener. The keystore contains the certificate and private key of the Mule application that are used to prove its identity to clients. The truststore contains the certificates of trusted clients that are allowed to access the Mule application.

References: https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-runtime/4.3/tls-configuration#mutual-authentication

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