Which configuration setting can be enabled to allow end users to enter an email address instead of a Server URL?

During an enrollment attempt, a user enters their email address in the initial field in the Intelligent Hub. The user receives an error stating, “Something went wrong with discovery”.

Which configuration setting can be enabled to allow end users to enter an email address instead of a Server URL?
A . Allow only known users
B . Enrollment Token
C . Autodiscovery Enrollment
D . Pre-Register devices

Answer: C


The error encountered during enrollment due to entering an email address suggests a need for enabling Autodiscovery Enrollment. This feature allows users to enroll their devices using their email address by automatically discovering the appropriate server settings, thereby simplifying the enrollment process and reducing user errors.

Reference: VMware Workspace ONE UEM Documentation: Enrollment Options

VMware Knowledge Base: Troubleshooting Enrollment Issues

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