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Which command should you execute?

You have configured a Compute Engine virtual machine instance as a NAT gateway.

You execute the following command:

gcloud compute routes create no-ip-internet-route

–network custom-network1


–next-hop instance nat-gateway

–next-hop instance-zone us-central1-a

–tags no-ip –priority 800

You want existing instances to use the new NAT gateway.

Which command should you execute?
A . sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
B . gcloud compute instances add-tags [existing-instance] –tags no-ip
C . gcloud builds submit –config=cloudbuild.waml –substitutions=TAG_NAME=no-ip
D . gcloud compute instances create example-instance –network custom-network1 –subnet subnet-us-central
–zone us-central1-a
–image-family debian-9
–image-project debian-cloud –tags no-ip

Answer: B


In order to apply a route to an existing instance we should use a tag to bind the route to it.


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