Which command does the administrator use?

A QRadar administrator needs to quickly check the disk space for all managed hosts.

Which command does the administrator use?
A . /opt/qradar/support/all_servers.sh ‘Is -ltrsh"
B . /opt/qradar/support/all_servers.sh "rra -rf /store’
C . /opt/qradar/support/all_servers.sh -C -k ‘df -Th’
D . /opt/qradar/support/all_servers.sh -C -K ‘watch Is’

Answer: C


To quickly check the disk space for all managed hosts in IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5, the administrator uses the following command:

Command: /opt/qradar/support/all_servers.sh -C -k ‘df -Th’

Function: This command checks the disk space across all managed hosts, providing detailed information about the filesystem types and disk usage.


-C: Executes the command on all managed hosts.

-k: Keeps the output in a human-readable format.

‘df -Th’: The specific command to display the disk space usage in a tabular format with human-readable file sizes.


The IBM QRadar SIEM documentation provides a comprehensive list of commands for system administration, including those for checking disk space on managed hosts.

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