Which command does an administrator run in QRadar to get a list of installed applications and their App-ID values output to the screen?

Which command does an administrator run in QRadar to get a list of installed applications and their App-ID values output to the screen?
A . opt/qradar/support/deployment_info.sh
B . /opt/qradar/support/recon ps
C . /opt/qradar/support/recon connect 1005
D . /opt/qradar/support/threadTop.sh

Answer: A


To get a list of installed applications and their App-ID values in IBM QRadar SIEM, the administrator can run the following command:

Command: /opt/qradar/support/deployment_info.sh

Function: This command outputs detailed information about the current deployment, including a list of all installed applications and their associated App-ID values.

Usage: The administrator executes this command in the terminal, and the information is displayed on the screen.


IBM QRadar SIEM V7.5 administration guides include this command as a standard tool for retrieving deployment information, including details about installed applications and their IDs.

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