
Which built-in Amazon SageMaker machine learning algorithm should be used for modeling this problem?

A bank’s Machine Learning team is developing an approach for credit card fraud detection. The company has a large dataset of historical data labeled as fraudulent. The goal is to build a model to take the information from new transactions and predict whether each transaction is fraudulent or not

Which built-in Amazon SageMaker machine learning algorithm should be used for modeling this problem?
A . Seq2seq
B . XGBoost
C . K-means
D . Random Cut Forest (RCF)

Answer: B


XGBoost is a built-in Amazon SageMaker machine learning algorithm that should be used for modeling the credit card fraud detection problem. XGBoost is an algorithm that implements a scalable and distributed gradient boosting framework, which is a popular and effective technique for supervised learning problems. Gradient boosting is a method of combining multiple weak learners, such as decision trees, into a strong learner, by iteratively fitting new models to the residual errors of the previous models and adding them to the ensemble. XGBoost can handle various types of data, such as numerical, categorical, or text, and can perform both regression and classification tasks. XGBoost also supports various features and optimizations, such as regularization, missing value handling, parallelization, and cross-validation, that can improve the performance and efficiency of the algorithm.

XGBoost is suitable for the credit card fraud detection problem for the following reasons:

The problem is a binary classification problem, where the goal is to predict whether a transaction is fraudulent or not, based on the information from new transactions. XGBoost can perform binary classification by using a logistic regression objective function and outputting the probability of the positive class (fraudulent) for each transaction.

The problem involves a large and imbalanced dataset of historical data labeled as fraudulent. XGBoost can handle large-scale and imbalanced data by using distributed and parallel computing, as well as techniques such as weighted sampling, class weighting, or stratified sampling, to balance the classes and reduce the bias towards the majority class (non-fraudulent).

The problem requires a high accuracy and precision for detecting fraudulent transactions, as well as a low false positive rate for avoiding false alarms. XGBoost can achieve high accuracy and precision by using gradient boosting, which can learn complex and non-linear patterns from the data and reduce the variance and overfitting of the model. XGBoost can also achieve a low false positive rate by using regularization, which can reduce the complexity and noise of the model and prevent it from fitting spurious signals in the data.

The other options are not as suitable as XGBoost for the credit card fraud detection problem for the following reasons:

Seq2seq: Seq2seq is an algorithm that implements a sequence-to-sequence model, which is a type of neural network model that can map an input sequence to an output sequence. Seq2seq is mainly used for natural language processing tasks, such as machine translation, text summarization, or dialogue generation. Seq2seq is not suitable for the credit card fraud detection problem, because the problem is not a sequence-to-sequence task, but a binary classification task. The input and output of the problem are not sequences of words or tokens, but vectors of features and labels.

K-means: K-means is an algorithm that implements a clustering technique, which is a type of unsupervised learning method that can group similar data points into clusters. K-means is mainly used for exploratory data analysis, dimensionality reduction, or anomaly detection. K-means is not suitable for the credit card fraud detection problem, because the problem is not a clustering task, but a classification task. The problem requires using the labeled data to train a model that can predict the labels of new data, not finding the optimal number of clusters or the cluster memberships of the data.

Random Cut Forest (RCF): RCF is an algorithm that implements an anomaly detection technique, which is a type of unsupervised learning method that can identify data points that deviate from the normal behavior or distribution of the data. RCF is mainly used for detecting outliers, frauds, or faults in the data. RCF is not suitable for the credit card fraud detection problem, because the problem is not an anomaly detection task, but a classification task. The problem requires using the labeled data to train a model that can predict the labels of new data, not finding the anomaly scores or the anomalous data points in the data.


XGBoost Algorithm

Use XGBoost for Binary Classification with Amazon SageMaker

Seq2seq Algorithm

K-means Algorithm

[Random Cut Forest Algorithm]

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