
Which authentication type should the consultant recommend to connect to the S3 bucket from Data Cloud?

A customer is trying to activate data from Data Cloud to an Amazon S3 Cloud File Storage Bucket.

Which authentication type should the consultant recommend to connect to the S3 bucket from Data Cloud?
A . Use an S3 Private Key Certificate.
B . Use an S3 Encrypted Username and Password.
C . Use a JWT Token generated on S3.
D . Use an S3 Access Key and Secret Key.

Answer: D


To use the Amazon S3 Storage Connector in Data Cloud, the consultant needs to provide the S3 bucket name, region, and access key and secret key for authentication. The access key and secret key are generated by AWS and can be managed in the IAM console. The other options are not supported by the S3 Storage Connector or by Data Cloud.

Reference: Amazon S3 Storage Connector – Salesforce, How to Use the Amazon S3 Storage Connector in Data Cloud | Salesforce Developers Blog Learn more


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