Which are valid user roles in OpenManage Enterprise?

Which are valid user roles in OpenManage Enterprise?
A . Domain Administrator and Device Manager
B . Device Administrator and Viewer
C . User and Administrator
D . Viewer and Administrator

Answer: D


OpenManage Enterprise (OME) has a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system that defines user privileges for built-in roles.

The valid user roles in OME are:

Administrator: This role has full access to all features and functions within OME, including system configuration, management, and monitoring.

Device Manager: This role can manage and monitor devices but may have restricted access to certain system settings.

Viewer: This role is typically limited to viewing information and cannot make changes to the system or device configurations.

For the purpose of this question, the roles that are considered valid within the context of OME are Viewer and Administrator. These roles are clearly defined within the OME RBAC system and are integral to the security and management of the system1.

The process of assigning roles in OME involves:

Logging into the OME console with administrative credentials.

Navigating to the user management section.

Creating or editing a user account.

Assigning the appropriate role (Viewer or Administrator) to the user based on their responsibilities and the level of access they require.

It’s important to note that while “Device Manager” is a valid role, it is not listed as an option in the provided answers. Therefore, the correct answer from the given options is Viewer and Administrator1. This information is verified according to the official Dell OpenManage Enterprise documentation and user guides.

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