
Which action should the brand take?

An ecommerce brand needs to determine if additional placements will drive more results than focusing the budget primarily on Facebook Feed.

A/B test results:

• Campaign 1: Facebook Feed

• Cost per purchase: S5

• Campaign 2: Four placements

• Cost per purchase: S3

• Facebook News Feed cost per purchase: $1.50

• Instagram feed cost per purchase: $2.50

• Messenger cost per purchase: $6

• Instagram Stories cost per purchase: $7

Which action should the brand take?
A . Deliver budget against Facebook News Feed, Instagram feed, Messenger, and Instagram Stories within each ad set
B . Remove Messenger and Instagram Stories from the test campaign and retest with two new placements: Facebook News Feed and Instagram feed
C . Deliver budget to only Facebook News Feed and Instagram feed within each Ad Set
D . Deliver budget to Facebook News Feed within each Ad Set

Answer: C

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