Which action should the administrator take to improve network performance?

An administrator inherits a new Nutanix environment and logs in to a CVM to check the network configuration.

The configuration is as follows:

Which action should the administrator take to improve network performance?
A . Configure VLAN tagging both on br0 and br1 and their physical interfaces.
B . Add eth0 and eth1 to the br0-up bond
C . Configure balance-sib or balance-tcp mode for br0-up if switch configuration allows
D . Remove one 10 Gbs interface from br0-up to make sure all 10 Gbs can be used.

Answer: C


Upon reviewing the network configuration in the provided image and considering the setup in a Nutanix environment, the best action to improve network performance is to adjust the bonding mode for the bridge that includes multiple high-bandwidth interfaces.

Option C, "Configure balance-sib or balance-tcp mode for br0-up if switch configuration allows," is the most effective choice. The bonding mode "balance-sib" (source IP-based load balancing) or "balance-tcp" (TCP/IP layer balancing) can optimize the distribution of network traffic across multiple interfaces, thereby enhancing throughput and redundancy.

This approach utilizes the capabilities of multiple network interfaces more efficiently, distributing the load to prevent any one interface from becoming a bottleneck while providing failover redundancy.

Reference: This configuration strategy aligns with best practices for network setup in high-performance virtualized environments, as detailed in Nutanix’s networking configuration guides and the Nutanix Bible, ensuring optimal performance and reliability.

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