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Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Organization overview heading?

Expansion of Springbank School and closing the Pittville High School further education unit. This would involve providing a new further education unit at Springbank School in collaboration with Battledown School. This option would reduce duplication and would potentially offer a wider range of education courses. Springbank School believes this change could meet the LEA’s requirement for learning choice.

End of scenario

Answer the following question about the Programme Business Case.

The following questions include only true statements, but only 2 statements are appropriate entries for that heading in the Strategic Case section.

Remember to select 2 answers to each question.

Which 2 statements should be recorded under the Organization overview heading?
A . The Consortium has been formed to plan the transformation of education and learning for 14-19-year-olds throughout the Western Area.
B . Formal meetings have been held over the past nine months to establish the goals to be achieved.
C . Pittville is the commercial, retail and cultural centre of Topland, with a population of circa 22,000.
D . There are problems accessing learning in some parts of the region.
E . There is a shortage of higher education establishments in the region.

Answer: AD

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