Where is the API-based record creation generally handled in Salesforce B2B Commerce?

Where is the API-based record creation generally handled in Salesforce B2B Commerce?
A . In the methods available in extension hooks
B . The service-layer responsible for the entity
C . Data creation is not allowed
D . Logic classes that implement the businesslogic for create operations

Answer: B


The API-based record creation is generally handled in the service-layer responsible for the entity in Salesforce B2B Commerce. The service-layer is a set of classes that provide methods for interacting with the data layer and performing business logic. Each entity, such as product, cart, or order, has a corresponding service class that handles the create, read, update, and delete operations for that entity. For example, ccrz.ccServiceProduct provides methods for creating and retrieving products.

Reference: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, Service Classes

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