When performing segmentation or activation, which time zone is used to publish and refresh data?

When performing segmentation or activation, which time zone is used to publish and refresh data?
A . Time zone specified on the activity at the time of creation
B . Time zone of the user creating the activity
C . Time zone of the Data Cloud Admin user
D . Time zone set by the Salesforce Data Cloud org

Answer: D


The time zone that is used to publish and refresh data when performing segmentation or activation is D. Time zone set by the Salesforce Data Cloud org. This time zone is the one that is configured in the org settings when Data Cloud is provisioned, and it applies to all users and activities in Data Cloud. This time zone determines when the segments are scheduled to refresh and when the activations are scheduled to publish. Therefore, it is important to consider the time zone difference between the Data Cloud org and the destination systems or channels when planning the segmentation and activation strategies.

Reference: Salesforce Data Cloud Consultant Exam Guide, Segmentation, Activation

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