
When performing a regular expression (regex) field extraction using the Field Extractor (FX), what happens when the require option is used?

When performing a regular expression (regex) field extraction using the Field Extractor (FX), what happens when the require option is used?
A . The regex can no longer be edited.
B . The field being extracted will be required for all future events.
C . The events without the required field will not display in searches.
D . Only events with the required string will be included in the extraction.

Answer: D


The Field Extractor (FX) allows you to use regular expressions (regex) to extract fields from your events using a graphical interface or by manually editing the regex2. When you use the FX to perform a regex field extraction, you can use the require option to specify a string that must be present in an event for it to be included in the extraction2. This way, you can filter out events that do not contain the required string and focus on the events that are relevant for your extraction2. Therefore, option D is correct, while options A, B and C are incorrect.

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