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When indexing in Solr, which of the following code snippets can significantly improve indexing performance? (multiple choice)

When indexing in Solr, which of the following code snippets can significantly improve indexing performance? (multiple choice)
A . lbClient.setRequestWriter (new BinaryRequestWriter());
B . if (updateRequest.getDocumentsMap().size() >= 10000) {
cloudSolrClient.request (updateRequest, collName);

C . if (updateRequest.getDocuments().size() >= 1000) {
cloudSolrClient.request (updateRequest, collName);
D . SolrlnputDocument doc = new SolrlnputDocument();
doc.addField ("id", i.toString());
doc.addField ("name", "Zhang San" + i);
doc.addField ("features", "test" + );
doc.addField ("price", (float) i * 1.01);

cloudSolrClient.add (doc);

Answer: AB

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