When enabling security fabric on the FortiGate interface to manage FortiAPs, which two types of communication channels are established between FortiGate and FortiAPs? (Choose two.)

When enabling security fabric on the FortiGate interface to manage FortiAPs, which two types of communication channels are established between FortiGate and FortiAPs? (Choose two.)
A . Control channels
B . Security channels
C . FortLink channels
D . Data channels

Answer: A, D


The control channel for managing traffic, which is always encrypted by DTLS. l The data channel for carrying client data packets.

Reference: https://fortinetweb.s3.amazonaws.com/docs.fortinet.com/v2/attachments/ac61f4d3-ce67-11e9-8977-00505692583a/FortiWiFi_and_FortiAP-6.2-Cookbook.pdf

When enabling security fabric on the FortiGate interface to manage FortiAPs, two types of communication channels are established between FortiGate and FortiAPs: control channels and data channels. Control channels are used for management and configuration of the FortiAPs, such as firmware updates, provisioning, and monitoring. Data channels are used for tunneling wireless traffic from the FortiAPs to the FortiGate for security inspection and policy enforcement.

Reference: FortiOS 6.4.0 Handbook – Security Fabric, page 17; FortiOS 6.4.0 Handbook – Wireless Controller, page 15.

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