When changing a service template, which of the following will be added to linked services by default?

When changing a service template, which of the following will be added to linked services by default?
A . Thresholds.
B . Entity Rules.
C . New KPIs.
D . Health score.

Answer: C


C) New KPIs. This is true because when you add new KPIs to a service template, they will be automatically added to all the services that are linked to that template. This helps you keep your services consistent and up-to-date with the latest KPI definitions.

The other options will not be added to linked services by default because:

A) Thresholds. This is not true because when you change thresholds in a service template, they will not affect the existing thresholds in the linked services. You need to manually apply the threshold changes to each linked service if you want them to inherit the new thresholds from the template.

B) Entity rules. This is not true because when you change entity rules in a service template, they will not affect the existing entity rules in the linked services. You need to manually apply the entity rule changes to each linked service if you want them to inherit the new entity rules from the template.

D) Health score. This is not true because when you change health score settings in a service template, they will not affect the existing health score settings in the linked services. You need to manually apply the health score changes to each linked service if you want them to inherit the new health score settings from the template.

Reference: Create and manage service templates in ITSI, [Apply service template changes to linked services in ITSI]

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