When can an Invoice be created?

When can an Invoice be created?
A . At any point before the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow "Create Invoice and Ensure Funds"
B . At any point before the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow "Create invoice"
C . At any point after the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow ‘Create Invoice and Ensure Funds*
D . At any point after the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow "Create Invoice’

Answer: D


The correct time and way for creating an Invoice is at any point after the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow “Create Invoice”. This flow is a core action that creates an Invoice record from a Fulfillment Order record, and updates the status of both records accordingly. The administrator can customize this flow to suit their business needs, such as adding conditions, actions, or subflows.

Reference: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.flow_ref_elements_om_actions_create_invoice.htm&type=5

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