What will happen to "MySequencemock" file when you save the project, assuming that the file is closed?

In an RPA Testing project, you created the mock "MySequencemock" for the file "MySequence". You have to update "MySequence" and add a Log Message activity and a Verify Expression activity.

What will happen to "MySequencemock" file when you save the project, assuming that the file is closed?
A . Only the Log Message activity will be added to the mock file.
B . Only the Verify Expression activity will be added to the mock file.
C . The changes made in "MySequence" workflow file are applied to the mock file.
D . The changes made in "MySequence" workflow file are not applied to the mock file.

Answer: D


A mock file is a copy of a workflow file that is used to simulate the behavior of the original workflow without affecting it1. When you create a mock file, the original workflow file is automatically added to the project dependencies, and the mock file is added to the test folder2. If you update the original workflow file, the changes are not reflected in the mock file, unless you manually update the mock file as well3. Therefore, if you add a Log Message activity and a Verify Expression activity to “MySequence” workflow file and save the project, the “MySequencemock” file will remain unchanged.


Mock Testing documentation from UiPath

Create Mocks documentation from UiPath

Feature request: Allow to rename Mock files forum post from UiPath Community

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