What threshold must the project surpass in order to demonstrate exemplary performance for Option 2?

A project elects to pursue Location and Transportation Credit, Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses, Option 2. Diverse Uses because of the project’s location in an amenity-rich area. The project features 18 uses overall, including at least four uses in three of the five use type categories.

What threshold must the project surpass in order to demonstrate exemplary performance for Option 2?
A . Exemplary Performance is not available for Option 2
B . 15 uses, including two uses in each of the five categories
C . 15 uses, including at least one Food Retail and one Community Anchor use
D . 18 uses, including uses in at least four of the five use type categories

Answer: A


Exemplary Performance is not available for Option 2 of Location and Transportation Credit, Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses. According to the LEED v4 BD+C Reference Guide, this credit has two options: Option 1. Surrounding Density (5 points) and Option 2. Diverse Uses (1 point). Exemplary Performance is only available for Option 1, and it requires achieving a surrounding density of at least 405,000 square feet per acre (100,000 square meters per hectare)1. Option 2 does not have any Exemplary Performance criteria, and it only requires locating the project within a 1/2-mile

(800-meter) walking distance of at least seven diverse uses2.

Reference: Credit: Surrounding density and diverse uses | U.S. Green Building Council Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses – LEED v4

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