
What should be used to verify object resynchronization progress and impact after a global policy change?

What should be used to verify object resynchronization progress and impact after a global policy change?
A . HCI Bench
B. vCenter HTML5 client
C. vRealize Log Insight
D. vRealize Network Insight

Answer: B


The vCenter HTML5 client should be used to verify object resynchronization progress and impact after a global policy change in vSAN.

The vCenter HTML5 client provides a user interface for managing vSAN clusters and monitoring their status. It includes various features and tools for monitoring and troubleshooting vSAN, including the ability to track the progress of object resynchronization after a policy change.

By navigating to the vSAN cluster in the vCenter HTML5 client and accessing the vSAN-related performance and health monitoring sections, administrators can view real-time status updates, performance metrics, and progress indicators related to object resynchronization. This allows them to assess the impact of the policy change and ensure that the resynchronization process is progressing as expected.

Therefore, option B (vCenter HTML5 client) is the correct answer.

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