What should an app builder use to communicate to the CK web service when a shoe’s inventory has changed?

Cloud Kicks (CK) keeps track of its shoe inventory in Salesforce. When an order’s status is changed to Activated, the inventory for the ordered shoe is reduced. At that point, a SOAP web service on the CK website must be called so that the website is updated to display the correct inventory amount for the shoe.

What should an app builder use to communicate to the CK web service when a shoe’s inventory has changed?
A . After-Save Record-Triggered flow
B . Before-Save Record-Triggered flow
C . Process Builder
D . Workflow rule

Answer: A


To communicate to the CK web service when a shoe’s inventory has changed, an app builder should use an after-save record-triggered flow. An after-save record-triggered flow is a type of flow that runs after a record is saved and can perform actions such as updating related records, sending emails, calling external services, etc. An after-save record-triggered flow can use an Apex action to invoke a SOAP web service using a WSDL file. [Source]

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