What should a developer insert at line 15 to output the following message using the method?

Given the code below:

01 function GameConsole (name) {

02 this.name = name;

3 }


5 GameConsole.prototype.load = function(gamename) {

6 console.log (` $(this.name) is loading agame: $(gamename) …`);

7 )

8 function Console 16 Bit (name) {

9 GameConsole.call(this, name) ;

10 }

11 Console16bit.prototype = Object.create (GameConsole.prototype) ;

12 //insert code here

13 console.log (` $(this.name) is loading a cartridge game :$(gamename) …`);

14 }

15 const console16bit = new Console16bit(‘ SNEGeneziz ’);

16 console16bit.load(‘Super Nonic 3x Force’);

What should a developer insert at line 15 to output the following message using the method?

> SNEGeneziz is loading a cartridgegame: Super Monic 3x Force . . .
A . Console16bit.prototype.load(gamename) = function() {
B . Console16bit.prototype.load = function(gamename) {
C . Console16bit = Object.create(GameConsole.prototype).load = function(gamename) {
D . Console16bit.prototype.load(gamename) {

Answer: B

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