What needs to be configured on a Tler-0 Gateway lo make NSX Edge Services available to a VM on a VLAN-backed logical switch?

What needs to be configured on a Tler-0 Gateway lo make NSX Edge Services available to a VM on a VLAN-backed logical switch?
A . Downlink Interface
B . VLAN Uplink
C . Loopback Router Port
D . Service Interface

Answer: D


The service interface is a special-purpose port to enable services for mainly VLAN-based networks. North-south service insertion is another use case that requires a service interface to connect a partner appliance and redirect north-south traffic for partner services. Service interfaces are supported on both active-standby Tier-0 logical routers and Tier-1 routers. Firewall, NAT, and VPNs are supported on this interface. The service interface is also a downlink

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