What is the recommended approach for implementing Financial Services Cloud at Lake Tahoe Bank?

Lake Tahoe Bank is evaluating Financial Services Cloud to help them deliver a customer-centric view. They currently have a heavily customized Salesforce implementation with a product-centric design. Lake Tahoe Bank wants to make sure planned changes have a minimal impact on users during implementation.

What is the recommended approach for implementing Financial Services Cloud at Lake Tahoe Bank?
A . Implement Financial Service Cloud in a new org (Green Field) and redesign business capabilities in Ihe new org.
B . Implement Financial Service Cloud in a Trial org and convert the Trial org to production org.
C . Implement Financial Service Cloud in the existing org (Brow Field).
D . Implement Financial Service Cloud in the existing org’s Sandbox and then deploy to production org to mitigate the end-user impact

Answer: A


The recommended approach for implementing Financial Services Cloud at Lake Tahoe Bank is to implement Financial Service Cloud in a new org (Green Field) and redesign business capabilities in the new org. This approach allows Lake Tahoe Bank to leverage the best practices and features of Financial Services Cloud without being constrained by their existing customizations and data model. It also minimizes the impact on users during implementation, as they can continue to use their current system until the new org is ready to go live. A green field implementation requires careful planning, data migration, and change management, but it can result in a more efficient and customer-centric solution.

Verified Reference: Salesforce Financial Services Cloud Implementation Guide, page 8.

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