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What is the possible option in this case?

Mule application is deployed to Customer Hosted Runtime. Asynchronous logging was implemented to improved throughput of the system. But it was observed over the period of time that few of the important exception log messages which were used to rollback transactions are not working as expected causing huge loss to the Organization.

Organization wants to avoid these losses. Application also has constraints due to which they cant compromise on throughput much.

What is the possible option in this case?
A . Logging needs to be changed from asynchronous to synchronous
B . External log appender needs to be used in this case
C . Persistent memory storage should be used in such scenarios
D . Mixed configuration of asynchronous or synchronous loggers should be used to log exceptions via synchronous way

Answer: D


Correct approach is to use Mixed configuration of asynchronous or synchronous loggers shoud be used to log exceptions via synchronous way Asynchronous logging poses a performance-reliability trade-off. You may lose some messages if Mule crashes before the logging buffers flush to the disk. In this case, consider that you can have a mixed configuration of asynchronous or synchronous loggers in your app. Best practice is to use asynchronous logging over synchronous with a minimum logging level of WARN for a production application. In some cases, enable INFO logging level when you need to confirm events such as successful policy installation or to perform troubleshooting. Configure your logging strategy by editing your application’s src/main/resources/log4j2.xml file

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