
What is the correct way to start replicated VMs on Site B to minimize data loss?

A power outage on Site A is expected during the night. The disaster recovery strategy has been implemented (see diagram).

What is the correct way to start replicated VMs on Site B to minimize data loss?

A . Execute "Failover plan".
B . Execute "Planned failover".
C . Power on VMs manually through vCenter.
D . Execute "Permanent failover" from vCenter.

Answer: B


A planned failover is a process that allows for the seamless switching from the original VMs at Site A to their replicas at Site B with no data loss. This is the correct course of action when a power outage is expected, as it is a controlled process that ensures that all data is synchronized before the switch is made. This action minimizes data loss and ensures that the VMs on Site B are up-to-date.

Reference: Veeam Backup & Replication User Guide: Failover and Failback

Veeam Help Center: Planned Failover Procedure

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