
What is the correct way to configure the command?

An Adobe Commerce developer has created a process that exports a given order to some external accounting system. Launching this process using the Magento CLI with the command php bin/magento my_module:order: process –order_id=<order_id> is required. Example: php bin/magento my_module:order:process –order_id=1245.

What is the correct way to configure the command?





A . Option B
B. Option C
C. Option C
D. Option D

Answer: C


According to the How to use the Magento command-line interface (CLI) guide, to configure and run the Magento CLI, the developer needs to make the bin/magento file executable and then use it to run commands. To create a custom command, the developer needs to create a class that implements SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand and define its name, description, arguments, options, and logic. The developer also needs to register the command in the di.xml file of their module using the MagentoFrameworkConsoleCommandList argument. Therefore, option C is the correct answer, as it shows the correct class and di.xml code to configure the custom command.

Reference: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/installable-applications/optimization-and-configuration/magento1/using-the-magento-command-line-interface-cli/

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