What is the best way to achieve this for these new users, without updating the information of pre-existing users?

Your company has just acquired a new group of users. They have been provisioned into the Google Workspace environment with your primary domain as their primary email address. These new users still need to receive emails from their previous domain.

What is the best way to achieve this for these new users, without updating the information of pre-existing users?
A . Add the acquired domain as an alias to the primary Google Workspace domain.
B . Add the acquired domain as a secondary domain to the primary Google Workspace domain, and then update the email information of all new users with alias emails.
C . Update the Google-provided test domain to be the domain of the acquired company, and then update the email information of all new users with alias emails.
D . Without adding a domain, update each user’s email information with the previous domain.

Answer: B

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