What is the best way for ZYX to ensure effective metrics are in place to improve services?

Previously, there was no common set of performance targets and metrics used across all ZYX companies ZYXH Contract Governance is concerned about this. They would like to see metrics that drive improvement once the transition has been made to a SIAM model.

ZYXS provide a range of services to some ZYX companies The ZYX IT steering group meets every 4 months chaired by the ZYXS IT Director It is attended by representatives from each ZYX company SIAMRUS provided a report for ZYXUK. This included a set of metrics that SIAMRUS have used before with other organizations. ZYXS has been selected to be the internal service integrator in the new SIAM model The ZYXS IT director has provided a set of metrics from an organization that she previously worked for

What is the best way for ZYX to ensure effective metrics are in place to improve services?
A . At the next IT steering group meeting, agree on a common set of metrics that all service providers must use.
B . Proceed with the set of metrics that SIAMRUS has previously used with other service providers
C . Run a pilot with metrics from the ZYXS IT director, involving ZYXS and all service providers
D . Take the set of metrics currently used by ZYXS and apply them across all service providers

Answer: A


Current State Assessment: ZYX companies currently lack a unified set of performance targets and metrics, leading to inconsistent service performance assessments.

Governance and Alignment: Effective governance in a SIAM model requires standardized metrics to drive improvement across all service providers. This ensures comparability and unified improvement goals.

Stakeholder Engagement: Involving representatives from each ZYX company at the IT steering group meeting promotes buy-in and ensures the metrics are relevant and acceptable to all parties. Internal vs. External Metrics: While external metrics provided by SIAMRUS or those from the ZYXS IT director can offer insights, they may not be fully aligned with ZYX’s specific needs and context. Directly adopting these without consensus can lead to misalignment and resistance.

Pilot Testing: Running a pilot with metrics from the ZYXS IT director could provide practical insights but does not guarantee consensus or applicability across all service providers.

Common Metrics Agreement: By agreeing on a common set of metrics in a collaborative forum (the

IT steering group meeting), ZYX ensures these metrics are tailored, accepted, and effective in driving

improvements across the board.

Reference: SIAM Foundation Body of Knowledge (BoK), Chapter on Performance Management SIAM Professional Body of Knowledge (BoK), Metrics and Reporting Sections

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