What is essential for a Salesforce B2B Commerce theme to show up in the theme section in CC Admin?

What is essential for a Salesforce B2B Commerce theme to show up in the theme section in CC Admin?
A . The theme needs to be set as a Custom Setting in Salesforce.
B . The theme needs to be set in the Configuration Settings.
C . The theme needs to have "theme" in the name of the Static Resource.
D . The theme needs to be referred to in the head element on the page

Answer: C


An essential requirement for a Salesforce B2B Commerce theme to show up in the theme section in CC Admin is that the theme needs to have “theme” in the name of the Static Resource.

For example, a theme named “MyTheme” will not appear in CC Admin, but a theme named “MyTheme_theme” will. This is how the framework identifies which static resources are themes and which are not.

Salesforce Reference: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, Themes

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