What is default behavior for how theSalesforce B2B Commerce Global APIs transform Salesforce data?

What is default behavior for how theSalesforce B2B Commerce Global APIs transform Salesforce data?
A . Fields names are returned using the Salesforce naming convention.
B . Fields names are returned with „c." prepended in their name.
C . Fields names are returned with a lowercase first letter,camelcase convention
D . Fields names can be mapped to any naming convention desired

Answer: C


The default behavior for how the Salesforce B2B Commerce Global APIs transform Salesforce data is to return field names with a lowercase first letter, camelcase convention.

For example, the field name ccrz__E_Product__c in Salesforce will be transformed to eProduct in the API. This is done to follow the JavaScript naming convention and to avoid conflicts with the standard Salesforce fields and relationships.

Salesforce Reference: B2B Commerce and D2C Commerce Developer Guide, Query Transformation

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