
What happens when the row containing the name Andrew laylor is processed?

You have a tMap component whose main input provides the following data:

There is also a lookup table with the following data:

An inner join is configured between the State column of the main input with the State Code column of the lookup table.

What happens when the row containing the name Andrew laylor is processed?
A . If an output is configured to collect inner join rejects, the data flows to that output as well as the main output.
B . If an output is not configured to collect inner join rejects, an error condition is raises.
C . If an output is not configured to collect inner Join rejects, the data flows to the main output.
D . If an output is configured to collect inner join rejects, the data flows only to that output.

Answer: D


The tMap component allows you to perform data transformations and joins between multiple input sources and output targets. You can configure different types of joins between the main input and the lookup tables, such as inner join, left outer join, right outer join, etc. An inner join returns only the matching rows from both tables based on a join condition. If a row from the main input does not match any row from the lookup table, it is considered as an inner join reject. You can configure an output to collect these rejects by setting the Catch inner join reject option to true. If you do so, the data will flow only to that output and not to the main output. If you do not configure an output to collect the rejects, the data will be ignored and no error will be raised.

Reference: Talend Open

Studio: Open-source ETL and Free Data Integration | Talend, [tMap properties – 7.3]

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