What functionality will be used to restore the folder using the Veeam Guest OS restoration wizard?

A director in a business needs a folder of traffic photos restored from a Linux server. This machine sits on a VM backed up by Veeam Backup & Replication. The director wants the files restored to their original location and does not want to lose the original files.

What functionality will be used to restore the folder using the Veeam Guest OS restoration wizard?
A . Restore the files using the "Versioning" function. Files will be prefixed with numbers (1-, 2-, 3-, etc.).
B. Restore the files using the "Overwrite" function. Original files will be renamed.
C. Restore the files using the "Hold" function. The director can then determine the status of the original and restored files.
D. Restore the files using the "Keep" function. Original files will be untouched

Answer: D


According to the Veeam Backup & Replication user guide1, you can use the Guest File Restore wizard to restore files and folders from VM guest OSes that run Linux or other non-Windows OSes2. The wizard allows you to choose how to handle situations when restored files already exist on the target location3.

Therefore, if you want to restore the folder of traffic photos to their original location and do not want to lose the original files, you should use the Keep function. This function will preserve original files on disk and will not overwrite them with restored files

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